by Petyr Campos
Tonight I had the pleasure of photographing two bands from my home town of Chicago, Il, Brigitte Calls Me Baby and Capital Soirée.
Opening for Brigitte Calls Me Baby was the indie pop rock band Capital Soirée promoting their latest EP, ‘Reruns’. Formed in 2013, the band is comprised of James Kourafas and Steven Rejdukowski on guitars, bassist Max “Rom” Romero and drummer Griffin Shaw. Capital Soriee’s has a very lively and airy pop sound to them that’s fun to listen to.
Brigitte Calls Me Baby has only been around two years, but they’re an up and coming band worth watching. They’re touring the states promoting their debut EP ‘This House is Made of Corners’. Brigitte Calls Me Baby includes lead singer Wes Leavins, guitarists Jack Fluegel and Trevor Lynch, bassist Devin Wessels, and drummer Jeremy Benshish. The band has a unique sound that creates a modern twist on the sounds of the past such as the Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes and The Smiths. Layer on top of that the lead singer Wes Leavins’s vocals, which are a combination of Roy Orbison’s vocals and Morrissey’s crooning gelled together and you have something quite special.

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